Head, Heart, Hands Group

TUESDAYS (Weekly) - 10.30AM – 1PM


The Head Heart Hands group (supported by St Vincent de Paul) offers people seeking connections an opportunity to learn craft and experience greater confidence.


An application submitted from Braidwood Life Centre Inc for a women’s weekly gathering was successful through St Vincent de Paul Fire Recovery grant.

This group met throughout 2021 to support connection and learning together.

We have received further support from St. Vincent de Paul Bushfire Grant to offer something similar for another year for our community. It has been a very difficult year with the 2019/2020 bushfires, some areas flooding and the Covid situation.

Join us at the Braidwood Life Centre, (near the Recreation ground), Keder St, on Tuesdays 10.30am to 1.00 pm.

Everyone is welcomed.

Head, Heart, Hands offers a range of activities plus a light lunch shared. Lunch will be ordered from a local café, or prepared at the Centre, provided in Covid safe procedure.

The Head Heart Hands group has been in abeyance during the Covid Lockdown and will begin again on Tuesdays once the lockdown is lifted for our area.

Music will be the next activity after that.

We will be able to accommodate 12 participants each week, plus facilitators, depending on circumstances as they unfold. It is essential that you phone so we know who will be attending. We will work it through each week as needed.

Please phone the Braidwood Life Centre on 0437989993 to register or for enquiries.

Look forward to seeing you on Tuesdays. Maria and Cathy.

Hollie Wildëthorn

I’m Hollie Wildëthorn and I help people to create a life that sets you free.

My invitation is to people who are searching for the most direct way to live the life you dream of. Self Crafting will take you beyond what you’ve dreamed, and into more than you ever thought possible. The Institute for Self Crafting is a support hub for people to gather simple and clear information for living your best life.

Support for life’s transitions

I provide support for life’s difficulties and transitions. Whatever your struggle, I offer a healing process made of compassionate inquiry, self discovery and purposeful action. Equipping you with tools and strategies to alleviate the pain and empower new ways of being.

Self crafting is

1. to create a life that is truly one’s own
2. to be the artisan of one’s own reality
3. to live an unlimited life of empowered choice…



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