Feeling Stressed?

Struggling with anxious thoughts going round and round?

Feeling that being heard and supported could be helpful?

2019/2020 and 2021 to date have certainly been intense!

The Braidwood Life Centre is offering a nine (9) week group as a space to be heard with supportive processes when anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts arise.

Hollie and Maria will facilitate the group in a safe, nurturing environment. Together, through sharing and understanding the nervous system and learning & practising ways of being in the present moment, things become clearer and chaotic ups and downs may ease. By sharing and deepening awareness into what is really happening, it is possible to observe how thoughts go round and round and contribute to suffering. Hollie and Maria are trained counsellors with a deep care to co-create healing space and ways to deepen insight.

Being around people with similar concerns, developing skills and awareness to really understand without judgement what is present now can be helpful. Listening with openness facilitates connection and creates a safe and supportive space to grow in awareness.


Everyone who is an adult is welcome.

Come along on Tuesdays, 1.00pm to 2.30pm to the Braidwood Life Centre near the Rec ground. Starting on Tuesday, 27th April, 2021, for 9 weeks. There is no cost.

Please phone the Braidwood Life Centre on 0437 989 993 to confirm your space and to ask any questions you may have. There is a limit of 12 people in the group. A further group will be offered later.

Hollie and Maria

Thanks to the Community Enterprise Foundation for supporting this work.

Hollie Wildëthorn

I’m Hollie Wildëthorn and I help people to create a life that sets you free.

My invitation is to people who are searching for the most direct way to live the life you dream of. Self Crafting will take you beyond what you’ve dreamed, and into more than you ever thought possible. The Institute for Self Crafting is a support hub for people to gather simple and clear information for living your best life.

Support for life’s transitions

I provide support for life’s difficulties and transitions. Whatever your struggle, I offer a healing process made of compassionate inquiry, self discovery and purposeful action. Equipping you with tools and strategies to alleviate the pain and empower new ways of being.

Self crafting is

1. to create a life that is truly one’s own
2. to be the artisan of one’s own reality
3. to live an unlimited life of empowered choice…



Head, Heart, Hands Group

